Whats the point of hyphenating your last name? Last week I found out that one of my friends is going to keep her last name because it sounded more sophisticated than her fiance's. I thought that was crazy.
Here are some examples that prove my point why hyphenated names aren't a good idea:
Here are some examples that prove my point why hyphenated names aren't a good idea:

Jay Leno has featured these on his "headlines" segment on monday night. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that they didn't probably hyphenate their names after marriage. However, I think they prove how ridiculous hyphenated names can be.
Take, for example, a child who has inheritted a hyphenated name due to his mom wanting to keep hers. Lets say the hyphenated name became something like Drexheimer-Cornelius. That just takes way too long to say. And what if the boy's name was something like Xavier? That's a mouth full. There would be no name on the back of that kid's jersey...
Of course, then again, I have a friend with the last name of Butt. Yes, B-U-T-T. I would assume it would be in the interest of any girl he marries to keep her last name. I just can't imagine dealing with that the rest of your life...